Thursday, January 2, 2025

This is a test, only a test....



  1. I want to see that test the next time I go to the eye doctor.

  2. that there is the only way to confirm a YF aint a boy! hell, only way to confirm any of em nowaday

  3. Yikes!! Are those really real?

  4. I am gonna need to watch that numerous times to make sure I pass the test. Sigh

  5. I don't know, Doc.
    Seems like the stick-in-their-asses don't have a problem with your latest Yellow Fever post. Must have been too many cars and memes in the Final Thoughts on a Sunday post. Though the other Sunday collections and our Pre-Game posts are still up???????? Not the least bit consistent, are they?
    So, I guess we are stuck with just surviving on beautiful Asian women.
    Whatever shall we do????? /s

    They took down the Boss' FFFF post and Firehand's New Year's Eve DATA post as well.
    If only they were so concerned with removing kiddie porn and terrorist recruitment sites - but, what would demoncrats have to do on a weekend night otherwise? Dirty bastards.

    Whitehall, NY

  6. Whats the name of that test, OMG.... I'd have put a ring on it, too.

  7. Why yes, yes that is a test and I need to take it some more. Thanks BD.

  8. Gonna have to spit out her gum. Only old farts would notice such I suppose. A fine specimen though.
