Thursday, May 30, 2013

Closing thoughts

Thursday random

Random thought

" Ouch " is not a safeword...

Further proof on how bad the economy has gotten...

A diamond in the rough

Batavia High School teacher John Dryden found himself in hot water after informing his students that they were not required to answer an intrusive survey because it was their fifth amendment right not to incriminate themselves. The " survey " asked about drug, alcohol and tobaco use and emotions student felt.

Read the full story over at  The Daily Herald

This is without a doubt my dog...

msnbc's research team hard at work...


Carney's latest attempt to spin a scandal....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Gotta be an Obama voter...

Clayton, Missouri  - Joseph Meacham, a 39-year-old St. Louis man was jailed Wednesday after he allegedly ran into a police department while trying to flee officers.

According to the Clayton Police, an officer was attempting to pull Meacham over for an unknown traffic violation when Meacham stopped the vehicle and fled on foot.

As Meacham was being chased by the officer, he unknowingly ran into the St. Louis County police headquarters looking for a place to hide.

Investigators say detectives watched as Meacham darted in and out of hallways, clearly not knowing where he was going.

Eventually, Meacham ran into an office occupied by the Chief of Police. That's when he realized that he had hit a dead end, dropped to the floor and curled up into a ball.  Meacham was then taken into custody at gun point.

"He acted like if he didn't look up and couldn't see us, then we couldn't see him," said St. Louis County Lt. Bryan Ludwig.

Posted over at  The Weekly Vice

Classic iron

Random thought

Peace, that glorious moment where everyone stands around reloading.....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013