Wednesday, September 11, 2024



  1. Never forget that your own government, with help likely from Mossad, pulled this off to create a permanent war footing, trillions in profits for the MIC, and to increase the power and tyranny of the US government and the Deep State. Indeed, never forget. They haven't gone away, but have gotten even more destructive.

  2. More like I'll never forget the ones who died on that day, save the retoric just remember the ones who lost all.

    1. If you aren't willing to deal with who is responsible, that they are still around causing trouble (far worse for sure), and that they won't stop, then remembrance hardly serves the dead now does it? Since the issues won't get discussed on any other day of the year, 911 seems like the right time. Same as with speaking the TRUTH about the dead when they die. When else is it going to happen? 911 is now a government worship, lie-filled day of coverups. I'll never forget what these horrible traitors did to our country on that day and every day since either.

  3. Do you act the same way on Memorial Day? Askin for a friend
