Saturday, August 24, 2024

And for absolutely no reason... celebrity nudeness, some what....



  1. I only recognize a few, and they're the older ones; Carrie Fisher, Bo Derek, Pam Anderson, and that's about it.
    One grows old.
    --Tennessee Budd

  2. Oh, there were celebrities there? I just wanted to say "Thank you", "Thank you very much."

  3. Great collection!
    I recognize
    1-Carrie Fisher
    2-Erin Gray
    5-Pam Anderson
    6-Bo Derek
    8-Rosario Dawson
    11-Mila Kunis
    12-Linda Koslowski from Crocodile Dundee
    17-Anne Hathaway
    18-Zoe Saldana
    19-Cameron Diaz
    20-one of the Tilly girls not sure if it's Jennifer or Meg
    21-Mila Kunis again
    23-the fantastic Jennifer Connolly
    I wish I knew the other lovely ladies. Might have to do some image searching!

  4. I love the boobies
