Thursday, November 15, 2018


  1. But they continue voting Democrat.

  2. 2) When a Republican wins, they are endlessly entertaining, in a kind of Three Stooges Meet The Mummy way.

    3) When you tell them things like "Your 'Friends don't let friends vote Republican' bumpersticker belongs on a KKK parade car" they get so deliciously hurt!

    4) They get so OFFENDED when you point out that the major difference between Antifa and the Nazi SA 'Brownshirts' is that the Brownshirts were better dressers.

    5) They scream like cheerleaders on helium when you point out that it is official Islamic Law to put homosexuals to death. The way they run around in tight circles with their fingers in their ears is cute, too.

    6) They spend so much time, effort, and money they will never be able to pay back getting worthless degrees that they keep whole lucrative fields open for those of us who want to WORK for a living.

    7) They keep themselves handily tabled with Che images, 'Coexist' stickers, and the like, so you know who not to date, or employ.

    8) They congregate in places like Starbucks that no rational human being wants anything to do with, leaving more pleasant places often free of their presence.

    9) Their views on wildlife are so completely unrealistic that they frequently self-destruct by (for example) getting too close to Grizzly Bears.

    10) Ok, I couldn't come up with time more either.....

  3. nice, book Ticket through Redbus
